Top Class Businesses, Organisations & Charities

On Twitter their was talks about who my favourite business was, and to give them a shout out on my blog. This however would be unfair to single out one business, because so many businesses  are really great, and have given me a lot help & support.

Below is a list of businesses who I personally think are top class, because the amount of support they have given me. Whether that be a space, a desk, funds, opportunities or even just advice.

This list in no particular order!!!


These guys have been absolutely amazing to me over the past few months. Their advice and support has been priceless. Each and every person in Accenture is more than helpful whenever needed. They are also founders of my favourite #

RTE Digital:

These guys were one of the first businesses to support me when I started out. Always willing to give me a space, connect me with someone, advise or even just give me a desk when stuck. I don't know what I would have done without them!

Transition Year Ireland:

I said I would use this picture to promote their TY Expo in September in Kilkenny!

TY Ireland, are some of the amazing people I have ever met! Their help and support over the past few months has been brilliant, and their ambassador role has given me so many opportunities. 

Twitter Dublin:

These guys have been one of the biggest supporters of the Digital Youth Council. Their help and support has been priceless, and their constant willingness to help in any way possible as be unbelievable. 

These guys have supported myself and my work with the DYC from the beginning. They have given me some great advice and also have saved me more than once with a desk to get a bit of work done.



These guys have giving me a huge amount of support, that has really helped me along the way. They have also give me some fantastic opportunities that have opened some great doors.

Science Gallery Dublin:

These guys have played a huge part in the success of the Digital Youth Council. Their support has been amazing, and their constant willingness to give a space to us for our meetings has been just brilliant.

Silicon Republic: 

Their constant support had been amazing. Whether it be advice or even by promoting our work on the site. Their team are just amazing people who really inspire me.

This list is just some of the people who have helped me along the way! Their are many more, and if I think of anyone else who I feel should be on this list, then I will add them on.

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