Discover Ireland

In 2008 my family purchased a six birth camper van to travel around Ireland on our family holidays that summer. I am still seven years later travelling all around Ireland in that same camper van with my family.

These past seven years have been to say the least, have been interesting. I have travelled all around Ireland with my family in rain, wind, sun and even snow. We have travelled from one of the country to the other end staying in campsites with people from all around the world, and visiting some of the most beautiful places in the world, that we are lucky to have only a couple of hours away from home.

In 2013 over 6.7 million tourists visited Ireland, spending an estimated 5.9 billion euro while on their holidays. This is a huge amount of people, and thanks to these people there is over 200,000 people employed in tourism in Ireland.

This played a huge part in our decision to buy a camper van, and holiday at home in Ireland, so we could spend our money at home, and contribute to the above figures.

I have had some of the best moments of my childhood in this camper van, because no matter what anyone else says, we truly do live in the most beautiful places in the world. I have seen the giants causeway, climbed Croagh Patrick, kissed the blarney stone and visited the Burren, I have discovered Ireland.

Why don't you Discover Ireland? .....

I'm not saying you have to go out and purchase a camper van or caravan, but what I am saying is grab a tent, book a hotel, and discover the place that you call home.

You can contribute to those figures above, you to can discover Ireland!

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